Welcome to Bubba Nosferatu News! All the news about Bubba Nosferatu: Curse of the She-Vampires
Bubba Nosferatu? What the heck is that? 'Bubba Nosferatu: Curse Of The She-Vampires' is the planned name for the prequel to the movie Bubba Ho-Tep. In Bubba Ho-Tep, the critically acclaimed independent movie, an ageing Elvis Presley is rotting in a Texas nursing home. He's in bad shape and nobody believes that he actually is the real Elvis, baby. There ain't a whole dang lot for him to live for, until some sort of freaky Bubba Ho-Tep (a redneck mummy with no soul) shows up and starts bumping off the residents of the nursing home and stealing their souls. At this point it comes down to Elvis to get his ass outta bed and, with the help of his black friend Jack 'JFK' Kennedy, put a stop to all the soul-sucking that's going on around there.
The movie was made on a shoestring budget and was only released in a handful of theaters around the USA. The movie stars the legendary Bruce 'Ash' Campbell (of 'Evil Dead' fame) and it should not be missed.
Bruce Campbell confirms once again that he will never star in a Bubba Ho-Tep movie

Never say never... unless you are Bruce Campbell...
After a long, long period of no news on the Bubba Nosferatu front the Bubba Ho-Tep 2 questions popped up once again this week. Bruce Campbell, star of the original movie, is doing press interviews to promote his new book. The book features a chapter about Bubba Ho-Tep and when asked about the possiblity of him starring in a sequel he shuts it down pretty quickly. In the interview for the Entertainment Weekly show he said: "I killed it, I killed it for me. I told the creators that I didn’t want to dance around it anymore. I feel that the first one was a nice little gem and you don’t have to make a sequel for everything. Don Coscarelli, god bless him, go make it. You know, get somebody else. They had Ron Perlman at one point. Knock yourself out. I don’t want to stop you from making this, but I don’t want to [do it]. So, that one I’m just going to let go." So, I guess that pretty much does it! It certainly doesn't sound like he ever wants to be involved and we should probably just give up on that. It is still a shame though. The fact that everywhere he goes Bruce gets asked about the possibility of a sequel shows what a love there is for the original movie. I for one pledge to keep my hopes up for Don Coscarelli to one day get a chance to complete his passion project. I'll still give it a go even without Bruce.
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Three pieces of positive news!

Are things looking up for Bubba Nosferatu at last?
There has been no news about Bubba Nosferatu for a while now. Don Coscarelli has been very busy with releasing 'Jon dies at the end' around the world but talk does seem to be going back to the likelihood of making a follow up to cult classic Bubba Ho-Tep. Way back in April this year Don Coscarelli spoke to Mediamikes.com about Bubba Nosferatu. In the segment about Bubba Nosferatu he mentioned that he was still interested and also told people that Bruce Cambell still wanted to do the project. This is good news because Bruce had previously backed away from the project over concerns about the script. Hopefully Don and Bruce are back on the same page. Don's response to the usual question about a Bubba Ho-Tep sequel went as follows: "It is always in the cards [laughs]. The cool thing about it is that I learned from when I was touring with 'John Dies at the End' is how many people freaking love 'Bubba Ho-Tep'. Its so great. I think that maybe the delay we had is actually a good thing because it is developing this great cult following. I for sure want to do it and I know that Bruce Campbell still wants to do it. I think we just need to find a way to pull it all together." So that sounds quite promising already... Then in early October the Ashbury Park Press posted an interview with Paul Giamatti on their website. He was interviewed about his new movie 'All is Bright' but he did give this answer when asked about Bubba Nosferatu: "Actually, theres talk that that might happen again. I hope." It is certainly good to hear that the project is still being discussed and that Paul Giamatti and Don Coscarelli are still discussing it. The last piece of news is that Bruce Campbell and Sam Raimi are getting started on making Army of Darkness 2. Army of Darkness is a big cult classic and Ash is Bruce Campbell's number 1 role. I love 'Army of Darkness' and am very happy to see that there is a sequel on th way. However I also think it is a good thing for Bruce Campbell to have another big screen movie on the way. It shows that he is a bankable star and viable leading man. Perhaps a return to the Evil Dead world will give movie backers less to worry about with investing in Bubba Nosferatu. Keep your eyes open for more updates online and let us know what you see please.
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Don't go getting your hopes up...

Don Coscarelli's new movie makes general release but still no sign of Bubba Nosferatu
Fret not, we're still here and on the look out for Bubba Nosferatu news. We've been here hanging on for good news for years now (seriously... years). We live in hope that Bubba Nosferatu might become a possibility if Don Coscarelli's new movie 'John Dies at the End' does well (go and see it now!). In the meantime this interview with Don highlights how close he was to giving up on movies entirely. The new movie has taken a long time to come together and this interview discusses Don's feelings about that. Have a read of the article and see what you think. Here's hoping for more positive news soon...
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We're still here and there is stil a little hope that we might see Bubba Nosferatu

Interviewer quizzes Don Coscarelli and Paul Giamatti on Bubba 2
It has been very very quiet on the Bubba Nosferatu front for a while now. Rest assured that we're still here on the look out for Bubba Nosferatu news and gossip. There just hasn't been much to report back on. Well the dry spell ended last week when an interviewer spoke with both director Don Coscarelli and actor Paul Giamatti. The pair have recently worked together on the movie 'John Dies At The End'. Even before filming on that movie had started Paul Giamatti had shown interest in being a part of Bubba Nosferatu. He was keen to take on the mysterious role of Colonel Parker in the she-vampire riddled Bubba prquel to Bubba Ho-Tep. The interviewer asked Don and Paul what was happening. They stay vague but do stil confirm that there is an interest in doing the movie. The problems seem to revolve around the cash that will be needed to get the movie made and also on who they'll get to take the Elvis role. You can see the full discussion in the video clip of this part of the interview (see link below). It is good to hear that the project isn't dead and buried. We'll continue to be on the look out for more Bubba news. Stay tuned!
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Coscarelli and Giamatti consider Bubba Roswell?

Light at the end of the tunne? Could a Bubba franchise be a possiblity?
Good afternoon Bubba fans. As mentioned earlier this week, Don Coscarelli and Paul Giamatti have been in Park City, Utah for the Sundance Film Festival. They were there promoting Don's latest movie 'John Dies At The End'. The movie has been well received which can only be a good thing for those hoping for a new movie adding to Bubba Ho-Tep. MTV's Movies Blog has posted a short video clip from snowy Park City in which Don and Paul discuss their shared hopes to bring a series of Bubba movies to the screen. They feel that there is an opportunity for other Bubba adventures and mention a concept for Bubba Roswell in which Elvis happens upon Roswell, New Mexico on his travels around the USA. Paul Giamatti is quoted as saying "Oh, we have all kinds of plans for a 'Bubba' franchise. We've been thinking 'Bubba Roswell,' is what we've been thinking.". I love the idea of a series of Bubba movies. What's not to love about the idea of Elvis getting involved in alien conspiracies in New Mexico? Genius concept!
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Don Coscarelli's new movie does well at Sundance 2012

John Dies At The End hits Park City, Utah with a bang!
It has been a while since my last post but fret not, I'm still here and keeping my beedy eyes open for any Bubba Nosferatu news. Don Coscarelli has been rather pre-occupied recently with his new movie John Dies At The End. His first proper showings of the movie have taken place in Park City, Utah at the Sundance Film Festival. All of the reviews I have seen so far have praised the new movie. Reviewers have also been very positive about the collaboration between Paul Giamatti and Don Coscarelli. Paul Giamatti was slated to play Colonel Parker in Bubba Nosferatu sometime ago and he is the biggest supporter in the campaign to get Bubba Nosferatu made. Here's hoping that the success of John Dies At The End helps Don Coscarelli conjure up enough money to get Bubba Nosferatu into production with Paul Giamatti.
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All quiet on the Bubba Nosferatu front lately

Is no news good news?
There haven't been many updates recently because there is not much to report. Don Coscarelli is now putting the final touches to his new movie John Dies At The End so we should expect plenty of upcoming interviews in which he is likely to get quizzed about his future movie projects. I guess we'll have to keep our fingers crossed for some good news about Bubba Nosferatu. Don's new movie is likely to be a good interim movie for us to enjoy. It is based on the book of the same name by Davind Wong and follows the efforts of dropouts John and David to save humanity from a scary new drug. The book managed to sell out a tiny print run and then went on to sell many thousands of copies. Don Coscarelli should do a great job of bringing it to life. If itall goes well it could pave the way for Bubba Nosferatu to get the funding it so badly needs.
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Is Don Coscarelli thinking about Elvis again?

Director posts Elvis comment on Twitter
On the 8th March Bubba Ho-Tep director Don Coscarelli tweeted a link to "All you ever need to know about the King and his favorite suit..." Does this mean that he back to thinking about Elvis again? Could things be moving along with Bubba Nosferatu at long last? We really hope so!
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We may have to wait a little longer for Bubba Nosferatu

Don Coscarelli starts shooting 'John Dies At The End'
Don Coscarelli has been off the radar for quite some time and there has been next to no news about what his plans were. We know that he continues to beaver away on getting Bubba Nosferatu made but it looks like it is on the back burner until after he finishes work on his movie adapatation of David Wong's novel 'John Dies At The End'. Don is currently shooting this movie with Bubba Nosferatu supporter Paul Giamatti, Clancy Brown, Doug Jones and long time collaborator Angus 'Phantasm' Scrimm. The new movie sounds great and will be high up on my list of things to watch when it gets released. Here's hoping it gets a good reception and paves the way for Bubba Nosferatu to move into production. Hope it goes well Don!
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Paul Giamatti gives us some new hope for Bubba Nosferatu

He says "I'm going to f***ing break my spine in half if I have to to get that thing done."
We all want to get Bubba Nosferatu made and for a while Paul Giamatti seems to have been the driving force behind getting it done. It is well known that Giamatti loves Bubba Ho-Tep and has been keen to work on the sequel 'Bubba Nosferatu'. Paul Giamatti has been slated to play Elvis' manipulative manager Colonel Tom Parker for a few years now. He has spoken a few times about how much he wants to get the movie into production. Bruce Campbell's hesitance to be involve was a serious setback to the production but the biggest problem currently seems to be a lack of funding. Paul Giamatti spoke with the folks behind the MTV Movies Blog about Bubba Nosferatu in an article published on the blog today. He said: "We've been trying to make that for two, three years, and we're going to get it done at some point. I'm going to f***ing break my spine in half if I have to to get that thing done. We've been trying so hard and we've had so many near-misses," he continued. "It's almost come together like 15 freaking times and then it falls apart. At some point we're going to get that done because it's a great script. We'll get it done at some point." It sounds like there is some serious resolve behind his intentions to get the movie made as soon as possible. Bubba Nosferatu certainly needs a decent lead actor and Don Coscarelli back to direct and the thing most likely to get things moving in the rtight direction at the moment would appear to be Giamatti. He finished by saying: "We'll find some way to do it, I swear to god. I think 'Bubba Ho-tep' is just a f***ing great movie. I really do. We'll make this other one somehow." I'm sure we'll all be rooting that they do.
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New Elvix mash-up book on the way

'Frankenstein Has Left The Building' being written at the moment.
A little while ago I mentioned that there were some other mash-up movies in development which I figured might cause further issues in Bubba Nosferatu getting made. These other movies were based around the concept of a familiar character (e.g. Abraham Lincoln) getting involved in something they weren't really involced with (e.g. vampire killing). Well a new book has been announced by Alan Goldsher (author of Beatles zombie mash-up book 'Paul is Undead'). The book is titled 'Frankenstein Has Left The Building' and the crux of the story is that 60's Elvis was a kind of Frankenstein's monster. I should point out that this book is still being written and has only been mentioned by its author so far. The book hasn't been released and no movie deal is on the table. I wanted to share the news and see what people thought about it. If the book comes out and is well received the movie rights are often snapped up pretty quickly, especially in a time when there seems to be so few new ideas out there. Could this new Elvis story put Bubba Nosferatu further into the darkness? There has been no new info about Bubba Nosferatu for months now and there doesn't seem to have been any mention from anyone involved (Don Coscarelli, Ron Perlman, Paul Giamatti). Here's hoping that the movie is still crawling its way towards becoming a reality.
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Should we be concerned?

A couple of newly announced projects bear similarities to Bubba Nosferatu
Precious little has been heard on the Bubba Nosferatu front recently. I continue to keep my ears open for any updates and the second there are any you'll be the first to know. I have seen a few announcements of new movies recently that seem to have similar fish-out-of-water themes to those in Bubba Ho-Tep and Bubba Nosferatu. In Bubba Ho-Tep old Elvis was turned into a kickass mummy killer, and I may be wrong here, but I don't recall hearing many tales of the real life Elvis hunting down spectres and soulsuckers. Two new projects have been discussed recently that set real life people in unlikely circumstances in the same sort of way. Tim Burton and Timur Bekmambetov have optioned the movie rights to Seth Grahame-Smith's newly released novel 'Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter' in which Abe sets out to avenge the loss of his mother to vampires. This sounds like a similar set up to Bubba Nosferatu's intended plot (i.e. well-known figure faces off against vampires). Seth Grahame-Smith is best known for being the author of 'Pride and Prejudice and Zombies'. The second movie announcement that caught my eye was the news that Warner Bros had a script treatment for 'Leonardo Da Vinci And The Soldiers Of Forever' in which Da Vinci faces off against creatures from the underworld. I like to think that Bubba Nosferatu, 'Abe Lincoln: Vampire Hunter' and 'Leonardo Da Vinci And The Soldiers Of Forever' can all develop at the same time. It would be a real shame if these 2 higher-profile movie concepts caused Bubba Nosferatu to stall. It would be great to hear some fresh news on the Bubba Nosferatu front. Don? Paul? Ron? Any news or updates you can give us?
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Paul Giamatti talks more about Bubba Nosferatu plans

A little more info emerges about what is going on with Bubba Nosferatu
Paul Giamatti has been a supporter of Bubba Nosferatu for a while now and he has championed the movie in a selection of interviews. He clearly believes in the project and is keen to get the sequel to Bubba Ho-Tep rolling in conjunction with Don Coscarelli. Giamatti spoke with Examiner.com on the 1th January 2010 to expose a little more information about the current state of play. When asked if there were any projects he was keen to get made he replied with: "a movie I’ve been trying to get done for a couple of years called Bubba Nosferatu, which is the sequel to a horror movie, a very cult-y movie called Bubba Ho-tep. It’s so cult-y that it’s hard to get made. It (Bubba Ho-tep) is a great movie, but it’s very odd. And it’s hard to get this (Bubba Nosferatu) done, but there are things like that that I like". I think we all have to be thankful that Giamatti is sticking with Bubba Nosferatu and not letting it fall by the wayside in favour of easier projects. Examiner.com asked Paul if he would feature in the movie and he confirmed once again what we already know: "I would be in it. It’s about Elvis. I would play Colonel Tom Parker, his manager. It’s a great script. Hopefully, that will get made." He was asked is Bubba Nosferatu was in the same vein as Bubba Ho-Tep and he replied with: "Yes, it’s even weirder, and that’s part of the problem. It’s more out-there than Bubba Ho-tep is. It’s really great though". The last question he was asked about Bubba Nosferatu was who he wanted to play Elvis in the movie. He answered: "We were talking to Ron Perlman to play Elvis. Bruce Campbell played Elvis (in Bubba Ho-tep), but I don’t think he wants to do it". This is the answer that worries me slightly. Ron Perlman has been in the frame to play Elvis for over 14 months now but I am a little worried that Paul Giamatti said that they *were* talking to Ron Perlman about playing Elvis. This statement could have 3 meanings as far as I can see. He could mean (a) they haven't spoken with Ron Perlman recently about the project suggesting it may be on the backburner for them all (b) Ron Perlman may no longer be involved/interested in the project, or (c) he is just talking about the past and all is well with Ron's involvement. I really do hope the project is still underway and still has Ron's support. I think a project like this really does need a celebrity name to get the attention it deserves when it get's released. Here's hoping all is well in the pre-production world of Bubba Nosferatu: Curse of the She-Vampires.
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All quiet on the Bubba Nosferatu front.

Is no news good news?
There hasn't been much in the way of chatter about Bubba Nosferatu for a few months now. Don Coscarelli hasn't mentioned anything, Paul Giamatti and Ron Perlman have both been fairly quiet on the matter. The last we heard was that Ron had hoped it might be possible to film 'Bubba Nosferatu: Curse of the She-vampires' after filming completed on the recent season of his TV show Sons of Anarchy but the timing for that seem to have come and gone. The release date on IMDB seems to have shifted to 2011 from 2010. There is a script for the movie doing the rounds and it feels like a decent follow up to the original movie. I guess all we can do at the moment is to sit tight, keep our fingers crossed and keep listening for any updates. We know that Don Coscarelli wants to make the movie, the 2 leads want to do the roles and there is a script ready for action. Come on guys, please give us an update!
Scrimm is in! Another actor joins Bubba Nosferatu

Longtime Coscarelli cohort Angus Scrimm has joins the fun in Bubba Nosferatu.
Earlier I posted an article about exciting news that Fangoria extracted from Ron Perlman. Bubba Nosferatu is hopefully set to start shooting as soon as he finishes filming the second season of his cable TV series 'Sons of Anarchy'. Things are looking good for the movie at the moment. Fangoria Radio also revealed that Angus Scrimm has signed on to join the cast list of Bubba Nosferatu. This is great news, Scrimm has worked with Bubba director Don Coscarelli several times before and they have been proven to work well together. Angus Scrimm is probably best known as being 'The Tall Man' in Don Coscarelli's much-loved Phantasm series of movies. Scrimm was an excellent villain in the movies that launched Coscarelli's career. Fangoria reported that Angus Scrimm has joined the Bubba Nosferatu cast to play "a Boris Karloff-like horror star who Elvis meets up with in Las Vegas on the set of a vampire movie". Angus Scrimm is a great actor and he really does well to develop memorable characters in unusual roles. We still don't know very much about the storyline of Bubba Nosferatu (Oh to be able to have a peek at a copy of the script! Please Don please!) but we do know that it revolves around the set of a movie Elvis is filming down in either New Orleans or Las Vegas with the various vampire-related shenanigans that take place both on and off the set. Angus joining the Bubba Nosferatu cast adds still more quality to the already excellent cast. Having Ron Perlman, Paul Giamatti and now Angus Scrimm working together under the snappy indie direction of Don Coscarelli is making this into a movie to really look forward to. Get on with it guys and let me know if I can do anything (seriously... *anything*) to help!
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Bubba Nosferatu shooting to start soon? Let's hope so!

Ron Perlman gives us all some juicy info on the plan.
Morning folks! Exciting news on the Bubba Nosferatu front. Fangoria Radio was lucky enough to speak to Ron Perlman a few days ago and in addition to discussing his other projects he spent a little time talking about how Bubba Nosferatu was coming along. We mentioned a little while ago that there were hopes that filming of the movie might take place after filming wrapped on the current season of Sons Of Anarchy, well it seems like this is green for go. When speaking to Fangoria Radio Ron Perlman said: "Well, I have this window that’s about to open,” Perlman revealed. “I’ll be done shooting [his cable series] SONS OF ANARCHY in September, and we’re hoping to get into production on BUBBA in my hiatus between seasons two and three. I just spoke to [actor] Paul Giamatti [set to play Elvis’ manager, Colonel Tom Parker] and Don Coscarelli this morning, and we’re just moving the ball down the field, trying to get her done." Exciting news indeed. Bubba Nosferatu has needed a bit of a shot in the arm for a while and it would be great to know finally that the movie is definitely going ahead. We know that Ron Perlman, director Don Coscarelli and Paul Giamatti all have a great deal of affection for this movie and they are all certainly doing their best to get it made. I will be a very happy person when I hear that shooting is underway at long last.
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Perlman has fingers crossed for a September start to shooting Bubba Nosferatu

A little more info from our new hero!
Ron Perlman spoke to IESB.net a little while ago now and gave a little more info about what is happening with Bubba Nosferatu at the moment. Ron Perlman is currently working away on the second season of Sons Of Anarchy, but hopes that shooting on Bubba Nosferatu will start in September when his TV filming comes to a conclusion. He said "Bubba’s starting to get some juice now and get some forward momentum. It looks like we have the budget in place. I’m hoping that Bubba starts the day after I finish Sons of Anarchy, which will be late-September". He also shed a little more light on the story for Bubba Nosferatu. When asked about the story for the Bubba prequel he said "It's a stand-alone. The only thing that it's similar is the premise that Elvis is alive and well, and living in a retirement home in an undisclosed location". I reckon that this will mean that the story is possibly going to revolve around Elvis retelling the tale of an earlier adventure while he was filming a movie down in Louisiana and presumably elements of that past story will crop up in the present day too. I guess that 'present day' in this sense will be a number of years before the story of Bubba Ho-Tep starts off. Things may well turn out to be very different, but I guess we'll have to wait and see won't we. September is only about 6 weeks away and it will be interesting to see if shooting does start sometime in that month or not. Hopefully it will and we'll see Bubba Nosferatu in theatres in the next year. More news when we get it. Stay tuned!
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Bubba Nosferatu star Ron Perlman (yay! I have been waiting to say that!) talks shooting timetables

An update from Ron Perlman let's us know when Bubba Nosferatu should start shooting.
Ron Perlman spoke with the Sci Fi Channel the other day and in addition to updating them on his other movie and TV news. He was asked about Bubba Nosferatu and responded with the following "It's looking good for maybe late fall that we'll get down to principal photography. I'm on board. Paul Giamatti is on board [to play Colonel Tom Parker]. Don is on board. The script is finished. They are thinking that the resources are finally in place. And when I get done with season two of [his F/X TV series] Sons of Anarchy, I think I'll have a little window at the same time Paul does, and we hope to do it then.". Well folks I think things are looking pretty good for Bubba Nosferatu and the Curse of the She-Vampires at the moment, the stars are in place, the script is done, the director is ready, funding is presumably in place and there seems to be some planning of timings for shooting going on. I am over the moon that this project seems to be going ahead and that we'll get another dose of Elvis' evil-fighting alter ego. Bring it on! :)
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Bubba Nosferatu still on track!

News from The King himself...
Hi folks, just another quick update for you. Ron Perlman has been talking to a few web sites and has offered a little more info on where the movie stands at the moment and the news is good! We have all suffered witha severe lack of updates for the last few months but this sounds like promising information at long last. Perlman told Cinema Blend "The script is completed. They’re moving along quite rapidly, and we’re hoping to be shooting that thing sometime in the late fall”. It sounds very much like they are making progress with Bubba Nosferatu and it is fantastic news to hear that the movie has a planned date to start filming. Please keep your fingers crossed that the above is true and send positive mental vibes towards to the cast and crew to help them bring another quality movie that could be even better than Bubba Ho-Tep...
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All quiet on the Nosferatu front...

Is no news good news?
It has been another quiet month or two recently with no new information being mentioned about Bubba Nosferatu. Is that a good sign or a bad sign? With the big announcements for casting over the last few months the movie should still be going ahead. At this moment in time I guess we are really waiting to hear that the movie has been greenlit. Now that they have some big name stars lined up for the lead roles it would be nice to think that getting funding and studio approval for the movie wouldn't be too hard. It is likely to be another fairly low budget effort like the original Bubba Ho-Tep movie. Bubba Ho-Tep got good studio acclaim and did well on DVD too. Fingers crossed that funding isn't too difficult to come by. Rest assured that I am still on the case and am doing what I can to dredge up news on this exciting project. If you hear anything or see any snippets of news in the press please let me know! Hang in there folks.